Sections are the most essential building block of a page. There are 5 default utility categories for them.
You may notice that there’s more variance in top-and-bottom padding than left and right padding. That’s simply because I’ve never had a use case where I needed a least-padding section that had the default left-and-right padding. If user feedback indicates this is a stupid way to do it, I’ll gladly change it.
.section__leastPadding {
padding: 1.618em 4.235em;
.section__lessPadding {
padding: 2.618em 4.235em;
.section__default {
padding: 4.235em;
.section__morePadding {
padding: 6.852em 4.235em;
.section__mostPadding {
padding: 11.087em 4.235em;
@media screen and (max-width: 991px) {
.section__lessPadding {
padding: 2.618em 1.618em;
.section__default {
padding: 1.618em;
.section__morePadding {
padding: 4.235em 1.618em;
.section__mostPadding {
padding: 6.852em 1.618em;