Arranging Content


Figure 1. Animation demonstrating state layer implementation.

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Position controls how an element's x,y coordinates are calculated. The default value is "static," and the other 4 properties cause different behavior.

Class Name CSS Properties Description
position: static;
The default position; the element is positioned according to the normal flow of the document.
position: relative;
The element is positioned relative to its normal position, allowing for offset adjustments.
position: absolute;
The element is positioned relative to its nearest positioned ancestor or the initial containing block.
position: fixed;
The element is positioned relative to the viewport, meaning it stays in place even when the page is scrolled.
position: sticky;
top: 0;
The element is treated as relative until it crosses a specified scroll threshold, then it is treated as fixed.
Copy Code
.position__static {
  position: static;

.position__relative {
  position: relative;

.position__absolute {
  position: absolute;

.position__fixed {
  position: fixed;

.position__sticky {
  position: sticky;
  top: 0;

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