Layout refers to the arrangement of elements on a page. In this section, we'll learn about layout by walking through building this example blog page using the default LiftKit theme.
We’ll start with a blank screen. Assume there’s boilerplate HTML in there that renders a blank page.
Next, let’s drop in a section.
Sections set padding, but they don’t control content width.
So if you don’t set some kind of max-width control, things may look too far apart on large screens.
That's why we use containers. Containers control content width.
Nesting our content in a container ensures it doesn’t get too wide. If you need full screen, though, you can always get it with .container__widest.
Layout within the container is controlled case-by-case. You can use grids, flex boxes, or simple blocks.
Returning to our example, you can see how the structure of the page looks when we overlay the annotations.