Chainlift Color

Unlock the power of dynamic color in Webflow

Generate a theme from any color

Put in your main brand color and get a comprehensive color system in seconds, powered by Material 3.


Price Calculator

Automatically generate the perfect accent colors


Custom Branding

Upload your logo


Save Your Quotes

Automatically generate the perfect accent colors

Customize to fit your brand

Don't like the output? No problem. Plug in the rest of your brand palette and preview how it'll look before committing.

Light & Dark Modes that Swap Automatically

Design in your preferred mode. The live site will always show the user's preference.

Requires Chainlift UI.
Clone the kit
2 versions of the same landing page, one light and one dark.

Easily swap themes

Go ahead. Regenerate the whole thing. Watch it update in real time, then simply put it back if you change your mind.

3 landing pages with the same layout but different color schemes.
Screenshot of the style panel in Webflow designer with "color" and "background color" linked to variables

Build faster with utility classes

Build faster with built-in utility classes for background color that automatically pair each hue with the corresponding text color. Add as combo classes to your existing library for easy customization.

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